The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry

This Community Hour Bible study series began on Sunday, April 24th at 10:30 am, and was led by Pastor Ben Spaulding.

Feeling underwater with work, family, and your schedule?  Feeling distracted all the time?  Running on empty?  Feeling that you don’t have enough energy for the things that truly matter?  Tech is everywhere, demands are ever-present, and we find ourselves at times strung out.  Life is crazy busy, and we are offered LOTS of remedies that make it worse.  You heard me.  WORSE.  How can we as Christians critique the narratives of busyness and hurry in our culture and cultivate a life that works from a place of rest?  Join Pastor Ben as we tackle the ruthless elimination of hurry on Sunday mornings, and pattern our lives after the Way of Jesus.

Pastor Ben’s teaching is available on YouTube, and the PowerPoints for each week (in printable PDF format) are below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Silence & Solitude
  3. Simplicity
  4. combined with week 5
  5. Sabbath & Slowing Down