Altar Flowers

We have two altar flower arrangements each Sunday most of the year. The flower arrangement you purchase is yours to keep after the worship service. Your dedication is posted in the announcement slide loop before and after worship, and it is posted on our Facebook page.

Payment Information (cash/check/online)
The cost of each altar flower arrangement in 2024 will be $40. When you sign up for a spot, please make payment for the arrangement at least two weeks before your sign-up date.

Please make checks payable to Memorial Lutheran Church with “Altar Flowers” in the memo, or you can place cash in an envelope marked “Altar Flowers”. You can leave your payment on the offering plate on Sundays or with the church office, or you can pay for your flowers online through our secure payment portal.

Special Dates/Arrangements

Lent – There are no altar flowers during Lent in reverence of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross.

Easter Lilies – March 31, 2024

Christmas Poinsettias – December 25, 2023

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who supports this ministry!