Memorial Quilters

Each year Memorial sends beautiful, handmade quilts to the Lutheran World Relief. Led by Linda Husfeld, the Memorial Quilters work lovingly and tirelessly throughout the year assembling them. The quilts have been described as “a simple combination of fabric and thread that allows you to wrap someone in God’s love, letting them know they are not alone.”

The quilters meet at 12:30 p.m. for 3 hours to cut, sew, & assemble the quilts, as well as, fellowship with one another. They assemble the three layers that make up the quilts and tie them together. The group also folds & pins the border, which is then sewn together later. Other tasks taken care of off-campus by generous volunteers include:

  • shopping for fabric
  • cutting blocks
  • sewing the blocks into tops
  • cutting & sewing the backs together
  • measuring the middles for our quilts & cutting them

There’s no sewing at these twice-monthly meetings, so anyone with any skill level is welcome to come & help out! The ladies enjoy a devotional, good fellowship, and working for the Lord together.