All of Creation Displays the Glory of God

In creation, we have seen a common thread of God’s glory. God created everything, including people, to display His glory. But what is God’s glory?

God’s glory can be thought of as God’s greatness. In this month’s memory verse, we look at Psalm 19:1 that King David wrote many years after Adam and Eve. David used creation to speak of God’s glory. For David, it was easy to see God’s glory—at least its fingerprints—all around him.

If you have ever looked up into the heavens on a clear, dark night, maybe you have sensed it too as you consider all the stars that cannot be counted and think that each is a giant sun, like ours—only our sun is relatively modest in comparison—and that they stretch over billions and billions and trillions and trillions of miles. And that is just what we can see!

Or maybe you have caught a glimpse of God’s glory as you looked over a stunning mountain range or walked on a beach. Creation is full of beauty, wonder, and power—all of which hints at the greater beauty, wonder, and power of the Creator who made it all. God is glorious indeed.

Family Discussion Starters: 

  • How do all the amazing things God made show He is great?
  • How can we learn about God by looking at what He made?
  • What are some ways we can glorify God?
  • Lay together as a family on the ground outside. Look at the sky, maybe find some constellations in the evening, and talk about what you see and how it glorifies God.