First Fruits Commitment for 2024

Dearest Friends in Christ,

New Year’s greetings to each of you, in the name of our precious Savior Jesus! May the hopes of a new year be met in the promises of new life found in Him who was and is and is to come.  New Year’s is a time when we traditionally reflect on the past and look to the future. As we do the same at Memorial, we see an abundance of blessings that He has given to us in the past and great opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.   But whatever we face, we know that God has committed to us the blessings of his grace, his presence, and the power of His Holy Spirit.  His commitment to us, especially in the person of His Son, Jesus, moves us to commit ourselves, and all that He has entrusted to us to Him.

As we begin our new year of worship and life together as the people of God, it is good and right that we should first acknowledge what we have from our good and gracious God. This recognition and our faith in Him who has provided it is at the heart of abundant living. Jesus said, “I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) This is the life God has called us to! Abundant living knows our future is secure and allows us to ask: what is God calling me to do right now?

We are encouraging each of you to ask that question as you consider how you will abundantly live the life God has given you this year. Remember, abundant living recognizes what we have—not what we lack or what we want– and more importantly who we have. We have a relationship with our heavenly Father and the King of heaven and earth! And because of what we have and who gives it to us, we can in boldness and faith make commitments to put God first. We can give to Him of our first and finest fruits, whatever they may be and be a partner in the exciting Kingdom work that God is doing at and through Memorial, here in Katy and beyond.

If you have not yet made your own personal commitment for 2024, and even if you have, prayerfully consider joining us in completing a pledge card specifying your first fruits commitment to the Lord through Memorial Lutheran Church. This card will be used confidentially by those who regularly receive our offerings, gifts, and contributions (our financial secretaries) as a way to encourage you and celebrate with you during the year in the fulfillment of your commitments. We will be bringing these pledges to the altar on Sunday, January 21, together as a Community of Christ. If you are unable to make it up to the altar, we will have ushers who will be able to assist you. If you will be unable to worship at Memorial on that Sunday, please place your card in the offering plate the next time you worship with us.   You may also mail your card to or drop it off at the church office.  Pledge cards will be handed out at worship, as well as be available online at

May our Gracious God grant you a joyous new year as together we live abundantly to Extend the Community of Christ Wherever We Go!

With love and peace in Jesus,
Pastor John